Pricing - The Packages |
current pricing please contact us:
1- Basic Package -- Long Touring Single E68"A Single Boat in a Single Bag" - includes:
2 - Basic Package -- Touring Double RZ96"Two Paddlers, Two Bags" For current
pricing please contact us.
The RZ96 is a wood frame boat. Many people have the experience and confidence necessary to work with wood. This opens an endless variety for customizing not just the cockpit, but the whole boat to suit your personal needs! (For some specific customizing ideas see "The Importance of Fit".)
Build your own Custom Package - List of optional components The above components are optional, unless quoted in the description of the "Basic Package" as it applies to each model, and can be specified for inclusion in your individual "Custom Package". Currently
all boats are finished to order at the Pouch factory in Germany. This
allows us to spread transportation costs over more or fewer items, depending
on how you put together your individual package.
Parts Pouch can supply all parts for all boats in all model versions from the original E65 singles of the 1950s (aka "FK 450" or similar marketing names), through the RZ85 doubles (aka "Saxony 18", "Eureka" et al) and, of course, including the modern RZ96 doubles and E68 singles.
Demo Boats From time to time we will offer our demo boats for sale. These boats will have seen use for R&D and equipment testing, as well as having been paddled by potential buyers. Since one would normally expect at least 20 years of use from these boats, prices are reduced from normal retail prices to reflect this, as well as fair wear and tear.
Home -- Different Boats -- Price & Ordering -- Meet Ralph Hoehn & the Associates! |